Thursday, February 19, 2009

London, Paris and Singapore

In life, there are people you meet and bonds are formed. These unseeable force between people is something that nothing except the involved parties can ever remove. Now, i am very thankful for the people currently in my life and the bonds that i share with them. I have the friends that anyone in the world would die for. I'm not saying all of them are great because there are some people that's just not meant to stay for long. You cross paths with them, maybe they last for a couple of days, weeks or even months. It's okay. At the end of the day, be thankful for what you have and show them that you are thankful.
I just received an email from a lecturer in school. There is a trip to London/Paris for 8 days during april. Part of me wants to go because its the place that i'd always dreamed of. The streets, the culture, the people and everything. However, it's with my classmates and i'm not sure if i want to go with them. I'd be alone and far away from my friends. I wouldn't even survive the long duration on air. I guess i'd have to give this chance up.
Currently, they are my world.


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