Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I too believe in Karma.

Others around me have enough troubles of their own to hear mine. I've been having a bad month. Bad Hair, Bad Skin and Bad things happening to me. I just want to turn time back and edit the things that i did, the things that others did and the things that nobody did. I hope that things will turn out well for me starting tomorrow.

My lecturer told me that she sees potential in me, something the rest of the class doesn't have. I think she is lying but whatsoever, i think i should not be so slack-ish in school anymore. I should just buck up and show em what the real me is made of. Someone who can se dresses meant to be worn. Hahah, i felt funny when i typed the few lines before. Just wanted to see how i sounded when im confident because she says i have a very low self esteem and i need to start believing in myself. How to? What's there to believe in?


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