Saturday, July 19, 2008

What the fuck.

I'm currently in a pissed off mood now so yeah, this is gonna be a pissed off post. Firstly, my brother and his girlfriend are sitting at the dining table eating MacDonald's - the one that my mum and i just bought back for them. My brother, who is a prince is currently complaining about why his burger has mayo when he already told my mother he doesn't want it. They are now scraping off the mayo with a knife and indirectly telling my mum she didn't do a good job. Fuck.

Secondly, i don't know why the fuck am i in this mood now. It is a saturday night god damn it. It's 10.36pm now and i had plans to go out for a night of fun. Quarreled with alvin because of a misunderstanding but i wouldnt say it's because of this that i decided not to go. Partly though. He says that i never admit my mistakes and told me to do some reflection. I never admit my mistakes? Wow. Nevermind, i dont want to elaborate any further because alvin might get the wrong thinking. I'm not angry with him about him or whatever but i just don't like misunderstandings.

Thirdly, I dont have a car. Why don't i have a car? Why do my sister have a car and not me? Fuck lah. I want a car.

Fourthly, I don't know why, i try my best to be the best but i know i'll never be the best. I should seriously stop trying to be the best. I still want plastic surgery. Before i die, i want to feel good. I dont want any mother fuckers to call me ugly anymore.

Lastly, yes, finally, I still feel damn fucked up.


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